INSPECTORS have identified 'non-compliance' at a Abergavenny pre-school and are concerned for the care and development of children.

Welsh inspection agency Estyn visited Sunshine's Pre-School in June 2023 and have now released a report on their findings.

The pre-school caters for children aged between two and four.

Estyn have issued a priority action notice to the provider over the non-compliance identified and the provider ‘must take immediate steps to address this and make improvements.’

A spokesperson from Sunshine's Pre-School said they have 'addressed all areas of concern.'

Inspectors judged the care and development as poor and gave the leadership and management a rating of adequate. However, the well-being and learning of children was labelled as being good.

Practitioners have a ‘good understanding of their roles and responsibilities in promoting children’s well-being and keeping them healthy.’

However, they ‘do not fully implement the setting’s safeguarding procedures. The setting’s arrangements for safeguarding children do not meet requirements and give cause for concern.’

Staff at the pre-school ‘record incidents appropriately.’

Inspectors criticised that the 'documentation does not reflect that incidents have been shared with parents. Leaders conduct fire drills regularly, although they do not record these in sufficient detail.’

At the pre-school ‘there are excellent opportunities for children to take risks and become confident explorers and independent learners through exciting and motivating activities.’ This includes wood-working sessions and den building.

An ‘outstanding feature of the teaching is the interaction between practitioner and child. For example, practitioners intervene sensibly during activities, motivating children to try things for themselves and to think through strategies for problem solving.’

Nearly all children ‘settle quickly upon arrival at the setting and engage in tasks promptly, demonstrating a willingness to play and learn. They show clear emotional attachment to practitioners and reach out to them for comfort when upset.’

The pre-school offers a ‘broad and balanced curriculum, with an intelligent willingness to pursue children’s suggestions and interests.’

Most children enjoy listening to stories together, ‘laughing at the content and illustrations.’ Nearly all children express their ‘views confidently and contribute their ideas with enthusiasm, knowing that they will be listened to by skilful practitioners. Children choose books from the setting’s library to take home and share with their parents and give their reasons for selecting that book.’

Practitioners provide ‘purposeful learning opportunities to ensure that children make effective progress from their starting points through highly effective practitioner input.’

Leaders provide children with ‘valuable opportunities to relax in comfortable and quiet areas and with spaces to move freely and safely in both the indoor and outdoor areas.’

However ‘there are a few resources that promote cultural awareness, diversity and the Welsh language.’

Inspectors noted that ‘staff appraisals need to be consistently carried out annually and recorded in staff files.’

Although leaders ensure that ‘mandatory training is in place the setting has not ensured that all the necessary regulatory documents have been obtained. Therefore, an area for improvement has been identified and this will be followed up at the next inspection.’

‘A particular strength of the leadership is the clear focus on providing high quality professional development for all practitioners. Leaders and practitioners collaborate effectively to enhance their professional knowledge. They encourage practitioners to reflect on their own learning and how their practice impacts children’s learning.’

A spokesperson from Sunshine's Pre-School said:  “We addressed all areas of concern immediately and submitted a plan to CIW and the LA to lay out the steps that we have taken to address the issue; both of whom were satisfied with our actions.

"We are working closely with the LA to ensure we are providing a high quality of care”

Recommendations made by Estyn:

  • Improve children’s Welsh language skills.

  • Address the areas of non-compliance identified during the inspection.

  •  Ensure leaders review policies and procedures regularly and maintain all records appropriately.