Wales is home to six of the top 10 worst areas for sewage discharge in the UK it has been found.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats revealed in 2022, six of the top 10 areas in the UK with the most sewage discharges into rivers and waterways were located in Wales.

From Neath to the north Wales coast, sewage was dumped into rivers and waterways across Wales for more than 300,000 hours.

South Wales Argus: Sewage was dumped into rivers and waterways across Wales for more than 300,000 hours in 2022.Sewage was dumped into rivers and waterways across Wales for more than 300,000 hours in 2022. (Image: Getty Images)

Welsh Liberal Democrat leader, Jane Dodds MS, said: “It’s disgraceful that six out of the 10 areas with the most sewage discharges into rivers were in Wales last year.

"That’s bad news for our environment, wildlife, and all those who enjoy our rivers.

“The Conservatives in Westminster have refused to take action against river pollution, and Labour Ministers in Cardiff Bay have failed to step and take Dwr Cymru to task on our polluted rivers and rising water bills.

“It's time for a shakeup and Labour Ministers in Cardiff Bay must get to grips with Dwr Cymru’s failure to protect our rivers.”

Earlier this year, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, was downgraded to a two-star rating for not getting to grips with pollution incidents.

The Liberal Democrats added: "In total, the company was responsible for 89 sewage pollution incidents in 2022.

"Despite this, Dŵr Cymru announced price rises in 2022, making the average bill in Wales the second highest anywhere in Wales and England."

However, Welsh Water said: "Only 9% of rivers in Wales are classified as having  “poor” or “bad” ecological status and our rivers are significantly better than in England.

"We are committed to improving the quality of our rivers and are targeting where investment will have the biggest environmental impact.

“We have monitors on over 99.5% of our overflows – more than many other companies – and we are always open with this information by publishing it on our website and report the number of spills to our environmental regulators. 

"As a country on the western side of the UK, we have some of the highest levels of rainfall and are seeing an increase in severe events linked to climate change.

"All of this means we have one of the highest numbers of storm overflows of any water company and that the number of times they operate is heavily influenced by these factors.

“Customers bills have been higher for those who live in coastal areas as greater investment has been needed since privatisation to treat wastewater to improve river quality – whereas inland companies didn’t have to make similar investments.

"Our investment to date in our wastewater system has delivered real improvements and helped ensure 85% of coastal bathing waters in Wales meet excellent water quality standard and Wales has over a quarter of the UK’s Blue Flag beaches while only having 15% of the coastline.

“Earlier this year we published our Manifesto for Rivers in Wales which outlines how we will be investing in our wastewater network, particularly around rivers in Special Areas of Conservation. This includes an additional £140m to be invested by 2025.”

For more information, you can visit the Welsh Water website.

The Welsh locations among the worst in the UK for sewage discharge

The six Welsh constituencies among the top 10 worst for sewage discharge in the UK, according to the Liberal Democrats, are:

  1. Carmarthen East and Dinefwr
  2. Dwyfor Meirionnydd
  3. Preseli Pembrokeshire
  4. Ogmore
  5. Ceredigion
  6. Brecon and Radnorshire

Carmarthen East and South Pembrokeshire were ranked 11th.