AN OBSESSIVE man plagued his former girlfriend with vile and abusive messages and called her “fat and ugly”.

Gary Robertson turned up at her home at all hours and tried to emotionally blackmail her with claims he was going to take his own life.

The 48-year-old from Monmouth wasn’t supposed to have any contact with his ex-partner after she got a restraining order against him.

But he would continually pester and hound her with the offences starting in May 2022.

Judge Paul Hobson criticised the Crown Prosecution Service’s handling of the case involving a “high risk victim” and the “extraordinary” delay in it coming to court.

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Cardiff Crown Court heard how the defendant’s offending continued into 2023 despite the police investigating the initial allegations last year.

Judge Hobson said he’d read a letter from the CPS trying to explain the delay.

He added: “That is a letter which is not written in any form of the English language which I recognise.

“And I'm mentioning this simply because I'm sure that the author of the letter knows what they mean, but I don't.

“I haven't got a clue what any of that means and in a case where there has been, on the face of it, an extraordinary delay in a situation where there's a high risk victim.”

Peter Donnison, prosecuting, read to the court some of the messages Robertson sent and some were of sordid allegations about the woman’s sex life.

She replied to one of his messages with: “That’s vile Gary.”

The victim has moved house as a result of the offences.

Mr Donnison said: “She says she can't settle in her new home and she just feels very vulnerable and intimidated.

“She's constantly worrying if she's going to have to move again.

“Even though the defendant is remanded in prison at this stage, she says she still feels scared going out of the house.

“She constantly has to have her phone in her hand so that she can phone the police straight away.”

He added: “She's worried that he's trying to follow her.

“She worries he will find out where she lives.”

Robertson, of Cornwallis Way, Rockfield pleaded guilty to two counts of breaching a restraining order.

He has previous convictions for being in breach of a restraining order and for harassment.

Gareth Williams representing Robertson said his client now recognised that she no longer want any contact with him.

The defendant was jailed for three years.