A MAN sent a sex video of his ex-partner to her new boyfriend after he took her mobile phone from her when their relationship ended.

Tree surgeon Thomas Edwards was accused of “ruining her life” and making her feel “stupid and dirty”, Newport Crown Court was told.

The 32-year-old defendant from Pontypool was being sentenced after he pleaded guilty to disclosing a private sexual film with intent to cause distress and harassment.

Hywel Davies, prosecuting, read out the woman’s victim impact statement.

She said: “He has ruined my life. I feel like I don’t have any fight left in me.

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"He portrayed me to be dirty.

“I feel completely numb and I don’t want to go out and face people.”

She added: “I feel stupid and dirty. I feel like I haven’t got any life left.

“I’ve got nothing to get up for.

“He has destroyed me. I feel like a piece of dirt.”

The court was told that the defendant has one previous conviction for theft that was committed in 2010.

Nik Strobl representing Edwards said his client had only sent the video to the woman’s new partner which he had already seen.

He added: “She believed it was sent to multiple parties.”

The defendant had been assessed of posing “a low risk of reoffending”.

The judge, Recorder Greg Bull KC, told Edwards: “The effect upon your victim is plain to see.

“This was deliberate offending and calculated.”

But, Recorder Bull added: “You have a hard-working record and these offences are over two and a half years old.

“Your character references show there is a different side to you.”

Edwards, of British School Close, Abersychan was jailed for three months but that sentence was suspended for 18 months.

The defendant must carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was made the subject of a five-year restraining order not to contact his victim and has to pay £500 prosecution costs and a £128 victim surcharge.