A PAEDOPHILE and voyeur secretly filmed an underage teenage schoolgirl taking her clothes off and kept those videos of her for his own sexual enjoyment.

Owen Langford, 30, from Newport was jailed for his “wicked” offences which have had a devastating impact on his young victim.

When the police arrested the defendant they found he had stored videos and stills of the girl in a password protected file on his mobile phone.

Thomas Stanway, prosecuting, said Langford admitted to detectives he had an interest in voyeurism but denied getting any sexual gratification from the footage.

He added: “The defendant said it was the thrill of voyeurism he liked and that it felt naughty.”

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The girl felt disbelief and “disgust” and when she discovered the offences.

In a victim impact statement read out by Mr Stanway at Cardiff Crown Court, she said: “I have suffered by his actions and it doesn’t feel real.

“I’ve had nightmares about it.

“This has affected my future and I feel ruined and worthless.”

Langford, of Ponthir Road, pleaded guilty to voyeurism and making a category C indecent image of a child.

Tom Roberts representing him said: “He has no relevant previous convictions.

“The defendant is incredibly sorry for what he has done.

“He accepts there was sexual gratification for what he was doing.”

Urging the court not to impose an immediate prison sentence, Mr Roberts added: “The defendant is anxious to make amends by undertaking any work towards his rehabilitation.”

Judge Simon Mills told Langford: “You deliberately recorded your victim in a state of undress.

“You have caused that girl serious harm and it’s likely she will carry that with her for the long term.

“Your behaviour was utterly disgraceful as well as sexually motivated.”
The judge added that it was “wicked in nature”.

The defendant was jailed for 20 months.

Langford must register as a sex offender for the next 10 years and was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for the same period.

  • Gwent Police has refused to release a custody picture of the defendant