DISCOUNT chain Home Bargains has taken a major step towards opening a new superstore in Newport.

The retailer has secured planning permission to build a 3,000 sq m unit in Pill, on the site of the old Lidl supermarket and neighbouring shops, which will be demolished.

An estimated 90 jobs will be created as part of a more than £10 million investment, councillors were told at a planning committee meeting in Newport on Wednesday, October 4.

But environmental factors may still prove an obstacle, because the proposal fails to meet flood prevention targets.

Councillors on the committee gave their unanimous backing to the plans for the superstore and garden centre – but Natural Resources Wales must now be given an opportunity to raise any further flooding issues.

In a so-called ‘one-in-200 year’ flooding event, modelling “clearly shows the site is going to flood”, planning officer Joanne Davidson told the committee, adding that “ultimately the flood risk factors cannot be addressed”.

Planners had backed the Home Bargains proposal despite those flood risks, she said.

Adrian Fox, on behalf of the applicant, said the “redevelopment and improvement” project would “secure the long-term future” of the “prominent brownfield site”.

Flood concerns were “not unique to proposed developments in Newport”, he added.

Committee members Mark Howells, Ray Mogford and Tim Harvey all expressed support for the plans and the jobs that would be created.

But some concerns were also raised.

Cllr Bev Perkins suggested a barrier should be erected in the car park to prevent “boy racers” causing anti-social behaviour outside of opening hours.

And Cllr Howells said a roundabout could have been considered for the main road outside the proposed store, given the high volume of traffic at busier times of day.

Stephen Cocks, meanwhile, said he was alarmed to hear that trees would be cut down to make way for the development, at Newport West Retail Park.

“We should not be taking down trees unless it is absolutely essential,” Cllr Cocks said.

Ms Davidson said a “significant amount of new trees” would be planted in their place around the new Home Bargains store.

Cllr Harvey also sought assurances the trees would be a suitable replacement for those that were being chopped down.

Ms Davidson said the applicants had proposed a “really good species mix” of new trees for the area.