A MAN armed with a claw hammer started a blaze and threatened to burn his flat down before throwing glass at firefighters.

Gary Dixon, 40, caused chaos at the apartment block where he lived in the Caerleon area of Newport during a three-hour standoff.

Homes in the surrounding area were evacuated during the drama on Monday, May 22.

Prosecutor Amelia Pike told Newport Crown Court: “The fire service attended and the defendant then proceeded to smash a window with a claw hammer whilst they were in attendance and began to throw glass at them.

“Police officers attended shortly after whilst the defendant continued to smash the window and he told the officers to f*** off.

“He continued to throw small items, including music records out of the window before barricading it with a large mattress and he then proceeded to throw the mattress out of the window.

“He said he was going to burn the place down.”

She added: “The defendant produced a kitchen knife and threatened to harm himself.

“Due to this, the other residents within the block of flats had to be evacuated for their own safety and the incident continued for a period of around three hours.

“Entry was eventually forced into the property where the defendant was arrested.”

The court was told he had also ripped out copper piping.

Dixon, of Myrtle Cottages, Newport pleaded guilty to affray, threatening to destroy or damage property in a way likely to endanger the lives of others and criminal damage.

Julia Cox, mitigating, said: “The defendant was in the midst of a mental breakdown.”

His actions were described as a “call for help”.

Dixon had spent the last five months in prison after being remanded in custody following his arrest in May.

The judge, Recorder Sean Bradley, jailed Dixon for nine months but that term was suspended for 12 months.

Dixon has to complete a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay a victim surcharge.