A WOMAN grabbed her girlfriend around the neck before punching and kicking her on the ground after going on an all-day drinking session.

April Welsh, 37, from Blackwood also called her victim a “dirty s***” and accused her of cheating on her. 

Cardiff Crown Court heard how her terrified now ex-partner was only able to escape from their flat when the defendant fell asleep and started snoring.

Prosecutor Roger Griffiths said the couple had spent the day in Cardiff and had later gone to visit the victim’s parents in the city.

They had left their house at around 10.20pm when Welsh began getting “rowdy”.

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When they arrived home in Blackwood, the defendant carried on drinking and went to the Moggridge Arms pub.

She had gone their alone because the victim was working the next day and decided to call it a day.

At around 2.15am Welsh arrived back at their flat.

“She rang the doorbell and the victim went to answer," Mr Griffiths said.

“When she opened the door, the defendant ran at her, put her hands around her neck putting her on the floor.

“She was then punched and kicked and was called a dirty s***.

“The victim was sat on the bed too scared to move.

“It was only when she heard the defendant snoring that she left and went to a friend’s address for help.”

Welsh, of Old School Place, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) on the day of her trial.

The offence took place on January 3, 2020.

The court heard Welsh has a previous domestic violence conviction, also for ABH, committed against her new partner following this attack.

She received a four-month suspended prison sentence for that assault.

The defendant also has previous convictions for drink-driving.

Harry Baker representing Welsh said: “The injuries were not that bad although the incident must have been very unpleasant.”

He added: "The defendant would be vulnerable in custody.”

Judge Hywel James told Welsh: “You had been drinking heavily and in fairness to your victim, she had sought to assist you during that day.

“Once the door was opened you attacked her and using your hands you grabbed her around the neck.

“You pushed her to the floor and kicked her.

“I've seen photographs of the injuries sustained and they show cuts, bruises and a swollen ear.

“I have taken into account that you were involved in a similar incident with a new partner.

“That is a matter which has been dealt with but it shows a pattern of offending.”

The defendant was told she was being spared an immediate prison term because there was a “realistic prospect of reoffending”.

Welsh was jailed for 21 weeks but that sentence was suspended for 12 months.

She must complete a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay a victim surcharge.