Raglan youngster Dante Valydon-Pillay has completed the second in a series of 12 charity challenges to raise money for Children in Need.

He has set out to tackle a new challenge every month for a year.

Dante became the winner of the first Sir Terry Wogan Young Fundraiser of the Year Award in 2022 after hiking up the Sugarloaf, in Abergavenny every day for five days. He was shortlisted for the award by Children in Need and to his astonishment won the prestigious prize.

After completing the challenge and raising more than £1,500 Dante wanted to do more charity challenges and raise more money for Children in Need.

He said, “I love charity work. The best bit is knowing that I've helped other kids”.

He decided that doing a year long series of challenges was perfect.

He did the first of his 12 challenges in October which saw him climb 210ft up and abseil 90ft down Clifton Gorge, Bristol.

For his second challenge Dante joined the Parkrun at Tredegar Park in Newport to complete a 5km run.

He was wearing his special yellow Children in Need hoodie and his Mountain Warehouse sponsorship kit.

Before the race Will Renwick the first person to run all 189 of Wales' mountains in one trip, sent him a message of support saying: “Good luck Dante! Remember to stretch after too - and make sure you're fueled up!”

Dante intended to join the runners the previous day but due to the atrocious weather he joined the Sunday runners instead. They were there to complete a 2km run, but Dante was determined to complete his planned 5km so ran the 1km route five times.

He is now looking forward to his next challenge in December which will see him baking more than 50 individual Christmas cakes for the elderly residents of Penpergwym House, near Abergavenny.

He has already spent several hours there planning the challenge with Nikki Burrage, the catering manager and cook.

On November 17 he be at Media City, Manchester, enjoying the live Children in Need programme with backstage passes to meet the stars.

To support Dante in his challenges go to www.justgiving.com/page/dante-valaydon-pillay321go