INSPECTORS have criticised a Newport school, saying it hasn't met "regulatory requirements".

Estyn inspectors visited Wadham College of Science, in Park Square, various times in October, and have now released a report on their findings.

Wadham College of Science specialises in Maths and Science to pupils from overseas, and offers support to pupils from local maintained schools. The independent school is registered to cater for up to 60 pupils aged between 15-18.

Between October 2022 and September 2023, 15 international pupils aged 16 years or older attended the school. Fourteen pupils studied at pre-GCSE level and one at pre-A-level.

These pupils were taught a curriculum focusing exclusively on maths over two days each week. However, no pupils sat any formal qualifications and all pupils have returned to their home countries.

On October 5, 2023, two inspectors visited the school to conduct a follow up to registration visit. Here they met the the acting headteacher and proprietor and scrutinised relevant documents including school policies.

On October 11, 2023, an additional inspector came to the school - but was unable to gain access to the premises.

At the time of the inspection, no pupils were being educated at Wadham College.

As a result, Estyn was unable to evaluate the "quality of teaching and assessment and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils".

The organisation Estyn confirmed that the school has a "range of suitable policies in place", but was "unable to confirm whether the school successfully implements these policies".

Estyn assessed seven standards at the school which where:

Standard 1: The quality of education provided by the school:

Inspectors found that the school "does not fully meet the regulatory requirements for this standard". To comply fully with the Independent School Standards (Wales) Regulations 2003, the school should:

  • Ensure the school curriculum is supported by appropriate schemes of work and implemented effectively;

  • Ensure there is full-time supervised education for pupils of compulsory school age;

  • Ensure the curriculum gives pupils of compulsory school age experience in the following areas of learning linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative;

  • Ensure the curriculum enables pupils to acquire skills in speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy;

  • Provide personal, social and health education which reflects its aims and ethos;

  • Ensure there is adequate preparation of pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.

Standard 2: The spiritual, moral, and cultural development of pupils:

On this visit, Estyn did not inspect this standard.

Standard 3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils:

The school "does not fully meet the regulatory requirements for this standard".

To comply fully with the Independent School Standards (Wales) Regulations 2003, the school should:

  • Ensure there is a written policy on First Aid and it is implemented.

Standard 4: The suitability of proprietors and staff:

There is "no evidence to indicate that the school does not meet the regulatory requirements for this standard".

Standard 5: Premises of and boarding accommodation at schools

On this visit, Estyn did not inspect standard 5.

Standard 6: The provision of information:

There is "no evidence to indicate that the school does not meet the regulatory requirements for this standard".

Standard 7: The manner in which complaints are to be handled:

There is "no evidence to indicate that the school does not meet the regulatory requirements for this standard".

Recommended areas for action made by Estyn for Wadham College of Science, Newport:

The school "should address the issues identified" for standards one and three.

Wadham College of Science was contacted for comment.