THIS CCTV footage shows a murder victim’s last movements before she was savagely killed by her son in her flat.

Detectives tracked tragic Kelly Pitt in the hours before she was beaten to death by 25-year-old Lewis Bush at her home in Newport’s Sandalwood Court on Wednesday, May 10.

The "vulnerable" grandmother and mother-of-three can be seen going about her day-to-day life.

She's out shopping and using a walking stick to help her get around Newport.

Christopher Rees, KC, prosecuting told the city's crown court she was the victim of a “frenzied” attack at the hands of her bullying son.

South Wales Argus:

Kelly Pitt (Image: Gwent Police)

He said: “Kelly Pitt was 5ft 5in and weighed seven stone and five pounds at the time of her death.

“She was, the prosecution say, a 44-year-old, frail and vulnerable woman with alcohol issues.

MORE NEWS: Watch: Killer laughs and asks if police are joking when arrested for his mum’s murder

“She would have been in no position to fight off the defendant who was 26 years of age, a fit young man and 6ft tall.”

Ms Pitt’s body was found on Friday, May 12 by her daughter Jordan’s partner Kieran Saunders.

Mr Rees said: “He described walking into the flat which was unlocked and that was unusual.

“The scene looked like a bloodbath.

“There were no signs of life. Kelly Pitt was black and blue.

“After the attack the defendant did not try and get any assistance for his mother.

“He did not call the emergency services, he did not call the police – he did nothing to save her life.

“Lewis Bush left his mother dead in her home and continued to lie about her condition until her body was discovered on the morning of May 12.

“His only concern was trying to cover his tracks by attempting to clean up the blood over the walls, to clean the bedding saturated by blood and dispose of the mirror.”

Jordan, reading out her victim impact, said: “My mum was caring, loving and the kindest person you would ever get to meet.

“She was funny and bubbly and always made sure we were well looked after, putting our needs before hers. But above all, she was my mum.

“The most special, caring, loving mother a person could ever ask for.

“She was always in the kitchen cooking different things that she's seen on an advert or social media.

“Mum was also a very warm, welcoming lady who made sure everybody was well looked after and felt at home, no matter their circumstances.

“My mum was beautiful inside and out. I just miss her so much.

Bush was jailed for life after he pleaded guilty to murder.