It's known for its famous castle, however, within the town of Caldicot another surprise was awaiting...

On the morning of November 21 Gwent Police were in the piteresque town to smash a drugs farm.

The large amount of cannabis was found on the town's Longfellow Road.

Since the bust, a 23-year-old man has been charged and remanded.

South Wales Argus: A man has been chargedA man has been charged (Image: Gwent Police)

South Wales Argus: Police made the discovery on the morning of November 21Police made the discovery on the morning of November 21 (Image: Gwent Police)

South Wales Argus: Cannabis and cash was seizedCannabis and cash was seized (Image: Gwent Police)

A Gwent Police spokesperson said: "We carried out a warrant in Longfellow Road, Caldicot and uncovered a cannabis cultivation.

"A 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of cultivating a class B drug and a quantity of cannabis and cash were seized."

Police updated the incident on November 22 saying: "The 23-year-old man has since been charged and remanded."