A CRUEL couple allowed their children to live in almost unimaginable squalor in a house that was covered with dog faeces and mouse droppings.

The three young kids smelled of urine when horrified police found them at their parents’ home over the summer.

The stench at the property in Newport was so unbearable that officers had to wear masks as they carried out their investigation.

The house was in complete darkness as there were no light bulbs in the sockets, the fridge was filthy and there was no fresh food in the home.

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Roger Griffiths, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “Both defendants and their children were living in awful conditions.

“The youngest child was naked and there was no bedding and there appeared to be a soiled mattress.

“The smell of dog faeces in the premises was overpowering.

“The children’s bedroom floor was completely covered with dog faeces to the point where no child could walk in the bedroom without having to step in some of it.

“One of the children said to an officer that when they were sleeping the dog would come into the bedroom and poo.”

Mr Griffiths added: “A third bedroom was not in use. It was completely full of furniture.

“The mother told the police that there were mice in there.

“One of the officers could hear something scurrying around although they could not see what was causing the sound.

“The children smelled of urine and had dirty fingernails although they did appear to have suitable clothing and their hair was washed and kempt.”

The two defendants each pleaded guilty to three child cruelty offences.

Kathryn, Lane representing the father, said he was ashamed of his offending and expressed “genuine remorse and regret”.

Ruth Smith, for the mother, told the court: “She has started on the road to rehabilitation.”

The judge, Recorder Celia Hughes, said: “It was an appalling way to behave to your three young children.

“Even animals shouldn’t live in such conditions.

“The inside of the fridge was dirty and had a strong smell.

“The cupboards were bare and again there was no fresh food available.

“There were signs of mice within the property as droppings were seen.

“The premises were in darkness and the property covered in dog faeces and also dog urine.

“Officers had to wear masks throughout the search due to the smell.”

She jailed the father for two years but spared the mother immediate custody as she now has regained custody of the children.

The woman was jailed for two years with the sentence suspended for two years provided she completes a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

The defendants cannot be named to protect the identity of their children.