PLANS which would have seen the first, second, and third floors of a property in Maindee, Newport, converted to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) have been refused for the second time.

The application would have seen a new shopfront installed at the property at 164 Chepstow Road, as well as a second-floor extension and a conversion of the roof space and internal alterations.

The building currently houses a restaurant on the ground floor, with a four-bedroom flat on the first and second floor.

The HMO would have four bedrooms on each three floors – a total of 12. A HMO is a property lived in by multiple people who are not related, and who share facilities such as a bathroom and kitchen.

Previous similar plans were refused after council officers wanted it would “provide a very poor standard of amenity and potential for increased crime and disorder” due to the access via an alleyway with no CCTV, as well as flood concerns.

The new application was refused on similar grounds.