INSPECTORS believe a GP surgery in Newport provides a “caring and professional” service for patients.

“Dedicated and enthusiastic” staff “strived” to care for patients safely and effectively at the “well-managed” Bryngwyn Surgery.

In testimonies, some patients reported an “excellent” and “first-class” experience at the surgery in Bryngwyn Road, while others complained about problems getting seen by a doctor and urged improvements.

The health board which runs the surgery welcomed the “positive” report and congratulated the surgery’s staff for their “dedication and passion”.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales visited Bryngwyn in July and, in a new report outlining its findings, praised the surgery’s “robust” leadership and “dedicated” staff.

Positive testimonies from patients included one who said their GP was “kind”, a “good listener”, and “one of the best in my life experience”.

But the same patient said the surgery setup was “tired” and said there was “no privacy” when providing personal information at the “very open” reception desk.

Others complained about accessibility – one patient said it was “very difficult” to book routine appointments, while another said they had “given up trying to receive care because they are never willing to see us in a proportionate time”.

The health inspectors urged Bryngwyn Surgery to remove a requirement for people to provide photo ID when registering, and to consider “patient privacy when engaging with staff at the reception desk”.

Another patient was full of praise for the surgery in their comments to the inspectors.

They said: “I have only been at the practice for a short time but I have to say the service I have had has been first class. The nurses are so friendly and helpful. The receptionists are welcoming and never make you feel you are a burden.”

Inspectors also examined the surgery’s delivery of care, finding “robust” infection control measures, “comprehensive” and “clear” patient records, and the “appropriate” storage of medication.

On Bryngwyn’s leadership, the inspectors complimented the “enthusiastic” management and senior team, and said there was “good” compliance with mandatory training.

Staff facilities were described as “adequate” but the inspection team noted flooring in those areas was “badly fraying and threadbare”, and could be a trip or fall hazard.

They also encouraged the surgery to encourage more feedback from patients.

Following the publication of the inspectors’ report, a spokesperson for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “We’re delighted to receive such a positive HIW report on Bryngwyn Surgery. 

“It’s reassuring to note that our commissioned GP and primary care services are performing so well, and we commend Bryngwyn Surgery for its dedication and passion for the patients they serve.

“We also note the recommendations of the report and we’ve provided guidance to all GP practices regarding the management of complaints.

“Bryngwyn Surgery has already updated its complaints process and included details in their patient leaflet.”