A Newport city centre shop which celebrated fresh and local produce has sadly closed its doors just over two years after opening.

Castle Farm Shop was located in the Kingsway Centre of the main thoroughfare selling fresh eggs and variety of meat – pork, beef and lamb that all came directly from owner Sian Rickard’s working farm in Bishton.

Speaking to the Argus in 2021 Ms Rickard called the Kingsway shop ‘something that Newport needs.’


However, now the shop is a sad sight to see with the shutters of the shop pulled down, empty fridges and no sign of life.

In 2022 Castle Farm Shop purchased a milk vending machine for their Kingsway site which was believed to be the first of its kind in the region.

It meant that customers could purchase full fat milk, or milkshakes in a variety of flavours – fresh from the farm. The milkshake flavours included vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel, strawberry, banana, and white chocolate.

South Wales Argus: When Castle Farm Shop in the Kingsway Centre opened in 2021.When Castle Farm Shop in the Kingsway Centre opened in 2021. (Image: Supplied.)

Last year Argus readers voted Castle Farm Shop's self-service vending machine the best milkshake in Newport.

However, the shop sadly closed their Kingsway Site over the weekend with guests able to get 30 per cent off.

People took to Facebook to express their sadness at the stores closure by calling it a ‘great loss’ to the city centre.

South Wales Argus: The empty shop is a sad sight to see The empty shop is a sad sight to see (Image: Newsquest)

Gabrielle Louise Owen said: “So sad, great shop. All the best to you. Thank you for a great service.”

Whilst Jan Huggins said: “So sorry to see you go.”