A CONVICTED paedophile was caught with sick films of children being sexually abused and tortured.

Richard Hill, 37, from Abergavenny had more than 750 videos and photographs which mainly portrayed underage boys.

There were victims that were being raped by men, prosecutor Gareth James told Cardiff Crown Court.

“They show children in some degree of pain and distress,” he said.

Among Hill’s collection was a 12-minute movie showing a boy aged between 10 and 12 tied up being physically tortured and sexually abused in a “dirty outbuilding”.

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The victim’s tormentor even stops at one point to give the cameraman a thumbs up as the latter shows the viewer his sexual gratification at the horror.

This film is so graphic and disturbing that even a seasoned detective experienced at watching such mind-blowing obscenities described it as “extremely upsetting”.

When the police looked through the defendant’s phone they also found a message he sent claiming he “got away with sexually abusing an eight-year-old”.

That allegation is not substantiated.

Hill, of Willow Close, admitted three counts of the possession of an indecent photograph of a child.

He had 263 category A images, the most serious kind, 239 at category B and 257 at category C.

The offence was committed on September 11 last year.

Hill was jailed for 16 months in March 2018 at Hereford Crown Court for similar offences.

He was convicted on this occasion of making indecent images of children and distributing indecent images of children.

It was heard in mitigation how “alcohol can be a factor in his offending” and that his remorse was reflected in his guilty pleas.

The Record of Cardiff Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke told Hill: “Some of these images are particularly serious.

“One shows the brutal sexual torture of a young boy.”

She said people like the defendant were fuelling the trade for such filth.

Hill was sent to prison for two years and one month.

He must register as a sex offender and he was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order.

The defendant must also pay a victim surcharge following his release from custody.