A COMPANY which knocked down a former pub in Newport despite a protected species of bat roosting inside has been fined thousands of pounds.

The former Ferns Club in Lliswerry Road was demolished last year, with eight new homes and 12 flats planned at the site.

But now it has emerged ecology studies had found pipistrelles bats, a protected species in the UK and Europe, were roosting in the building, and therefore a European Protected Species License was required before demolition could take place.

Christopher Davey, director of Your Space Projects Ltd, pleaded guilty to breaching the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) at Newport Magistrates Court on Tuesday, January 9, and the company was ordered to pay fines and costs totalling £2,605.

In court, Davey argued a breakdown in communication between the company and their sub-contractor had resulted in the demolition taking place early, which meant work to protect the bats had not been carried out.

South Wales Argus: The Ferns building which was knocked down by Your Space Projects Ltd The Ferns building which was knocked down by Your Space Projects Ltd (Image: Natural Resources Wales)

PC Mark Powell on secondment with Natural Resources Wales Industry Regulation team said: “This demolition of a confirmed bat roost without ecological onsite support, and without the European Protected Species Licence, will have impacted the species in the local area.

"Legislation is in place and is designed to protect our already dwindling protected native species".

He added: “The conservation of bats, and other protected species, must be ensured if future generations are to benefit from their continued existence.

"Bats are a very important indicator species that face ever increasing challenges.

"We hope this prosecution will serve as a reminder to developers, and anyone carrying out work to buildings that are home to bats, that they must follow the appropriate guidelines and ensure that any construction work is carefully completed within the law".

The Ferns ran as a pub for more than 20 years, but closed in March 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown, and never re-opened as it was no longer financially viable.

Planning permission for five two-bedroom houses, three three-bedroom houses, and 12 one-bedroom flats was given in February last year.

UPDATE: Your Space Projects Ltd provided the following statement to the Argus:

"During the planning process the company engaged an expert ecologist and complied with all relevant planning and environmental procedure. Upon the discovery of moderate bat activity, they applied for a European Protected Species (EPS) Development Licence to demolish the building.

"Unfortunately, a misunderstanding between the ecologist and the demolition contractor led to the contractor erroneously believing that the EPS Development Licence had been granted at the start of June 2023.

"This led them to demolish the building before the license had been received.

"The relevant Bat Development License was granted by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) on the 20th June 2023 on the final day of the demolition. Yourspace Projects Limited will continue to collaborate with NRW, relevant authorities and environmental experts to ensure the preservation of the natural environment."