A DRUG-DRIVER high on cocaine left a motorbike rider with life-changing injuries after he sent him catapulting through the air in a horror crash.

Mitchell Methuen had been racing another man on the A4042 dual carriageway between Pontypool and Cwmbran shortly before hitting biker Matthew Davies.

The 51-year-old had been driving “like a bat out of hell” in an orange BMW car in the lead up to the crash, prosecutor Andrew Kendall said.

“Successful” businessman Methuen’s offence took place after he had been released on licence halfway through a jail sentence for rape.

He hit Mr Davies after racing Oliver Wall, 41, driving a grey BMW, at around 6.15pm on Friday, November 4, 2022.

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Both defendants, who were strangers, had been speeding prior to the crash but had stopped racing each other before the collision.

South Wales Argus:

Mitchell Methuen

Mr Kendall told Newport Crown Court: “There was no evidence of breaking prior to impact.

“Mr Davies came to rest some 92 metres after the point of impact and the bike itself then was found 141 metres after the point of impact.

“Mr Davies has no recollection of the incident – the next thing he remembers is waking up in intensive care weeks later.”

The victim, 34 at the time, spent four-and-a-half months in hospital after suffering life-threatening injuries.

They included a punctured lung which resulted in a collapsed lung, bleeding liver, damaged kidney, a broken bone in the spine of the neck and multiple rib fractures.

Mr Kendall said: “Mr Davies says the pain was so bad he wished he had died instead.

“He said that he had many, many sessions of physiotherapy before he was finally able to get out of bed and stand with the help of his zimmer frame.

“Mr Davies described that as being a massive achievement for him as he was able to see the world as opposed to lying in a hospital bed looking at the ceiling.

“He spent four-and-a-half months in three different hospitals before finally being fit enough to be released home.

“He described being released home as being mind-blowing for him.”

The victim spoke of still being in pain and tired all the time.

“He's described himself as struggling to wash and shower, even getting dressed as it is a significant challenge for him and he can't even do basic things like cook because he can't stand for the required amount of time to prepare,” Mr Kendall added.

“Mr Davies says that his dignity has been totally taken away from him. He says he often gets help from his mother.”

Methuen, formerly of Pontypool, now of Parc Prison, Bridgend admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving, drug driving and failing to stop.

Wall, of Cooper Close, Langstone, Newport pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.

Charlotte Evans representing Methuen said: “The defendant is sincerely remorseful and wants to apologise to the victim and his family.”

Thomas Stanway mitigating for Wall told the court his client had no previous convictions.

He added that this had been “a moment of madness” for the Ministry of Defence worker employed in Caerphilly.

The judge, Recorder Bruce Gardiner, told Methuen: “You only stopped because you broke down as a result of the damage caused by the collision.”

Methuen was jailed for three years.

Wall was sent to prison for six-and-a-half months but that sentence was suspended for 12 months.

He will have to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,200 costs.

Methuen was banned from driving for five years and six months and Wall for two years.

Both defendants will have to pass an extended driving test if they want to regain their licence.