WASTE specialists Veolia plan to redevelop an industrial site in Abercarn for a metalworking operation.

The company has applied for planning permission to “rearrange” the former Robinsons Manufacturing Ltd warehouse in Cemetery Road.

Veolia hopes to extend the main building and build a separate storage unit.

Caerphilly Council officers have recommended the application for approval, despite the concerns of the local Senedd Member and of people living nearby.

A design statement shows Veolia is proposing to use the vacant Robinsons site for the “welding and fabrication of steel components” such as “industrial boilers, tanks and vessels for the wastewater industry”.

There is “full policy support and compliance within the development plan for the proposed development”, according to the firm.

But a report by council planners shows the local authority was sent 30 objections from residents, complaining about potential “noise, smoke and smells” from the site, as well as possible pollution and traffic concerns.

Rhianon Passmore, the Senedd member for Islwyn, also wrote to the council to say she had “received representations from residents living near the site who are extremely concerned about the impact that this application will have on their lives”.

According to the planners’ report, Ms Passmore added: “I would be grateful if serious consideration is given to the impact that this application will have on residents and that the noise element of their objections is given full weight when making your determination.”

The planners note the site “has been in industrial use for a significant number of years” and any noise impact resulting from the new use “would be low at surrounding noise sensitive properties”.

The planning department has recommended the application be granted subject to a number of conditions, including around noise limitations, opening hours, and deliveries.

Caerphilly Council’s planning committee is expected to approve the application at a meeting on Wednesday, February 7.