A MAN from Talywain in Torfaen has expressed his frustration over the cost he is facing for removing lumps of coal that have lodged in his waterways. 

Roger Rudge, 80, of Elizabeth Road near the British, has been removing the coal from his waterways for more than two decades. 

According to Mr Rudge, the coal has come from the former coal tips nearby that are slipping in the current climate and falling into the waterways near his home, blocking his pipes to allow water to wash away. 

South Wales Argus: Mr Rudge says lumps of coal have slipped into his waterwaysMr Rudge says lumps of coal have slipped into his waterways (Image: Sylvia Gervis)He believes this is putting his home and the surrounding homes at risk of flooding in the future if it continues. 

As a result, he has a range of specialist equipment that he has bought over the years to help him remove the blocks of coal in the water, including diggers, and now believes he should be getting some form of compensation from the local council for the cost of the equipment. 

He said: "I've had to clear this coal from my waterways for 20 years because it's a safety risk. I've spoken to the council who say the coal blocking my water is not their problem. 

"I understand that they don't want these tips as an expense, and they can't completely remove them because they can't afford the project, but all I want is some financial compensation for the cost of this equipment I've had to buy to sort it out. 

"It's cost me a fortune, and it's all because this could be dangerous - this land might not be here in a few years if this carries on."

Mr Rudge claims the council should be helping with anything that is encroaching onto someone's private land that is not their fault. 

South Wales Argus: Mr Rudge claims the coal is coming from the coal tips nearby and blocking his water, which he says could present a future flood riskMr Rudge claims the coal is coming from the coal tips nearby and blocking his water, which he says could present a future flood risk (Image: Sylvia Gervis)

He added: "The coal tips came into the hands of the council a few years back, and now they're slipping all over my land. 

"I'm not asking for a miracle - I just want some compensation."

He also claims that members of the council have attended his property and seen the situation for themselves where he says the coal is causing a blockage and building onto the pipes. 

The relevant local authority for Mr Rudge's area, Torfaen Council were contacted on the matter. 

A spokesperson said: "We are in contact with the landowner regarding the matter which has significant technical and legal issues. As such, we are unable to comment further.”