TO CELEBRATE Love Your Pet Day earlier this week we asked our readers to send in pictures of their pets - and the response was massive.

We featured them all in a special supplement in Wednesday's Argus, and here are just some of them.

There's plenty more pictures to come in the days to come - so watch this space!

South Wales Argus: Clare Thomas sent in this picture of 17-year-old Lucky

Clare Thomas sent in this picture of 17-year-old Lucky

South Wales Argus: Elizabeth Turner shared this picture of Socks, who she recently took in from an animal shelter

Elizabeth Turner shared this picture of Socks, who she recently took in from an animal shelter

South Wales Argus: Sarah Williams sent in this picture of Doug and Charlie

Sarah Williams sent in this picture of Doug and Charlie

South Wales Argus: Rhiann Young sent in this picture of Billy

Rhiann Young sent in this picture of Billy

South Wales Argus: Chantelle Pugh shared this picture of Chase, who has just turned one

Chantelle Pugh shared this picture of Chase, who has just turned one

South Wales Argus: Jenna Collins sent in this picture of Connie, the crazy Collie

Jenna Collins sent in this picture of Connie, the crazy Collie

South Wales Argus: Rachel E Ed shared this picture of Oliver and Daisy

Rachel E Ed shared this picture of Oliver and Daisy

South Wales Argus: Wendy Wells sent in this picture of Cindy who has just turned 16

Wendy Wells sent in this picture of Cindy who has just turned 16

South Wales Argus: Moira Hookings shared this picture of Freddie, her chichuaua

Moira Hookings shared this picture of Freddie, her chihuahua

South Wales Argus: Michael Fullagar shared this picture of Alfie

Michael Fullagar shared this picture of Alfie

South Wales Argus: Sacha Priest shared this picture of her "lovely boy" Marcel

Sacha Priest shared this picture of her "lovely boy" Marcel

South Wales Argus: Matthew John Morris sent in this picture of Blossom

Matthew John Morris sent in this picture of Blossom

South Wales Argus: Louise Burden shared this picture of her cat Kami

Louise Burden shared this picture of her cat Kami

South Wales Argus: Samantha Hawkins shared this picture of her one year old dachshund Bruce

Samantha Hawkins shared this picture of her one-year-old dachshund Bruce