A COVID-ERA one-way road system behind Newport railway station will become permanent.

The city council has signed off on the move, which will also secure the future of a cycle path along part of Devon Place.

A local resident had complained the cycle lane would make it harder for people to park in the street, however.

The one-way system was introduced during the coronavirus pandemic to encourage more walking and cycling.

Making the move permanent will “continue to provide the benefits for pedestrians and cyclists in the area”, according to a council report.

It means drivers will only be allowed to travel eastwards along Devon Place, and southwards along the adjoining Stanley Road.

A “contraflow cycle lane” will separate westward-travelling cyclists from other traffic, and it is hoped its addition will encourage more people to use bikes in the city centre.

An “active travel” footbridge spanning the railway tracks was opened by a Welsh Government deputy minister in April 2023.

But one person who objected to the road layout being made permanent said the cycle path had “removed much-needed parking provision” in Devon Place.

“From my observations it is hardly used as it does not lead to anywhere,” the objector added.

The council report noted the cycle lane “does not extend the length of Devon Place due to limited carriageway space”.

The council acknowledged that the ongoing presence of the cycle lane “removes a small section of ‘unrestricted’ parking” from Devon Place, but “an element of formalised on-street parking remains”.

Laura Lacey, the council’s cabinet member for infrastructure, has approved the permanent road layout, and the move will come into effect on March 2 pending any valid call-in requests.