Age Cymru along with other key representative bodies for older adults in Wales have launched their What Matters to You survey targeting people over 50.

The annual survey - in its fifth year - seeks to understand the needs and aspirations of those over 50 better.

The survey has previously attracted more than five thousand respondents, providing essential insights that shape policies and services in Wales including initiatives by the Welsh government, local health and social services, and the broader care sector.

Age Cymru's head of policy, Heather Ferguson said: "We know that many older people are facing some tough challenges right now such as difficulties in accessing health and social care, coping with the cost-of-living crisis, and facing cutbacks in areas such as public transport and face-to-face banking.

"So, we need to know what older people’s priorities are and what their ideas are for addressing some of these challenges."

To participate in the survey, older adults are encouraged to visit the Age Cymru website where the survey can be completed in English or Welsh. The last day for survey completion is March 29, 2024.