A campaign urging Welsh residents to register to vote has been launched ahead of the police and crime commissioner elections.

The campaign aims to encourage those not on the electoral register to sign up by emphasising the satisfaction of participating in democracy.

It addresses diverse demographics including ethnic minorities, young people, and disabled voters.

The initiative, a shift from previous campaigns touting the ease of registration, includes a TV advert featuring individuals showing off their voter registration to their acquaintances.

Rhydian Thomas, head of the Electoral Commission, Wales said: "Elections are an important opportunity for people to have a say on the issues that matter to them.

"We know every year that people lose the opportunity because they aren’t on the electoral register, that represents millions of missing voices."

The campaign highlights the substantial number of eligible voters currently missing from the electoral register.

Approximately 2.5 million people can vote at the upcoming police and crime commissioner elections, but nearly 400,000 people are believed to be unregistered or incorrectly registered.

The deadline to register for the elections, slated for May 2, is April 16.