NEU Cymru, the educational union in Wales, is to ask teachers about potential industrial action.

They have opened an online survey focusing on pay, school funding and changes to school holidays.

Thousands of teachers across Wales will answer whether they would be willing to take part in industrial action - which could include strikes - to secure additional funding from the Welsh Government for pay rises and increased staffing resources.

Another query concerns plans to reduce the duration of summer holidays.

Emma Forrest, NEU assistant general secretary, said: "Education in Wales is really struggling. In real terms, there are cuts to the education budgets across the country.

"There is every indication the Welsh Government only be willing to offer a below inflation pay rise in the next pay round, so we are putting our members on alert that action may be necessary to ensure a proper pay and funding offer for teachers. "Rather than allow the Welsh Government to undo the gains of last year, the NEU will seek to push forward in its campaign for a long-term correction on pay."

The ballot closes on March 28.