Families in Wales suffering the loss of a child will continue to receive support from the Welsh Government.

Rebecca Evans MS, minister for finance and local government, said: "The loss of a child is devastating for a family.

"Providing practical support for those families continues to be important to Welsh Ministers."

Back in 2017, the government agreed to waive burial or cremation costs for children and teens under 18.

Still, families struggled to cope with other funeral costs.

So, in April 2021, the government provided additional support of £500 to any bereaved family, irrespective of income.

"This is a universal offer," the minister said, adding there was no obligation for the money to be accepted.

The funds have been used for various purposes like memorials, headstones, or funeral costs.

After reviewing the funding with the Child Bereavement Working Group, the government confirmed continuous support for bereaved families, with an updated agreement signed by the government, the Welsh Local Government Association and One Voice Wales to reaffirm their collective commitment.