A Newport WI has celebrated its 100th birthday.

Marshfield and District WI marked their centenary birthday on March 19 with various events, the highlight being a birthday party at Peterstone Lakes Golf Club.

The event was planned by a committee of 12 and 60 members were joined by 40 guests including former members, representatives of neighbouring WI groups, The Gwent Federation of WIs, chairwoman of Wales WI Jill Rundle, local and community councillors as well as Father Ross Maidment from St Mary’s Church.

Guests were treated to entertainment from Dr Sian Walters and her harp.

The celebration also included speeches from Ms Rundle, and past and current presidents of Marshfield and District WI.

Five women who had been part of the WI for more than 20 years were presented with gifts.

For the fundraising segment of the evening, a raffle was held benefiting City Hospice at Velindre hospital, raising £700.

The sum will be handed over during the members' meeting in April.

Throughout the month, 100 Easter Eggs were collected and donated to charities The Pantri Risca & Puffins Pantry St Teilos Cardiff.

Commitment to community betterment was at the forefront of their celebration.

Constituency MS Jayne Bryant was unable to attend due to voting in The Senedd.

Instead, she gave a warm tribute to both the WI and the Marshfield group: "Many local women have benefitted from the friendship support and varied learning opportunities offered through the WI.

"Over the last 100 years Marshfield WI has made such a positive contribution to the local community and wider society."

She added: "I would like to put on record my congratulations to the current secretary, Kate Tunnicliffe and everyone else who has given their time to this WI branch since 1924. Their commitment has ensured an important thread in the fabric of the local community life has endured."

In the spirit of giving back to the community, the Marshfield and District WI will be running seven community events, using funding from the National Lottery.

This funding also facilitated purchase of equipment for their Village Hall and the installation of a commemorative bench.