A HOMEOWNER has asked a council to confirm she can place speed bumps on a track running past her house. 

Carolynne Blyth contacted Monmouthshire County Council to ask if she needed planning permission for the traffic calming measure she said is necessary to slow traffic passing her cottage at Trellech Road, Tintern on the track which is in her ownership. 

The council told her as the track isn’t adopted as a public highway she doesn’t require the support of the highways department and also confirmed planning permission wouldn’t be required, but said she could ask for a certificate to state the development as lawful. 

Ms Blyth told the council: “My track is less than 30 metres long and three metres wide. 

“I would like to install speed bumps to slow traffic down on it. I will put up speed bump warning sign and pedestrian signs too.” 

She added the track is used “almost daily” during the summer but very little over the winter, while residents of her property also use the track for access. 

Ms Blyth has supplied details of the heavy duty PVC speed bumps, which will be yellow and 75mm in height and 500mm in length and with a width of 400mm and are able to withstand up to 40,000kg load weight, that she has already purchased.