A MAN smashed the glass panel of his fiancée’s front door by headbutting it after she broke up with him.

Brannon Jones , 21, from Cwmbran turned up drunk at his ex-girlfriend’s home in the Thornhill area of the town to declare his love for her.

Things started to turn nasty when she wouldn’t let him in.

Ryan Bowen, prosecuting, told Swansea Crown Court: “His demeanour became aggressive with him being heavily intoxicated.

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“He became increasingly angry when she wouldn’t open the door to him.

“As a result, the defendant proceeded to headbutt the glass panel of her front door causing the glass panel to smash.”

Mr Bowen added: “The police were called, officers made their way to the location and the defendant fled having heard the sirens.

“He was subsequently located and arrested and he became aggressive and irate so he was taken to the ground by them.

“The defendant continually swore and shouted at the officers in the presence of bystanders.

“He persisted, kicking out until restraints were enforced upon him.

“The defendant was then conveyed to the Grange University Hospital to receive treatment for a facial injury caused by him headbutting the glass.”

When Jones was searched, police found he was carrying two knives.

The defendant, of Oaksford, Coed Eva, pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing a bladed article in public and one count of criminal damage.

The offences were committed on the night of Saturday, March 9.

It cost £322.82 to repair the damage to the door.

Jones has one previous conviction.

He was sent to a young offender institution for six months last year for inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Jac Brown representing him said: “The defendant handled the break-up in a completely egregious fashion.

“He used alcohol as a crutch and alcohol played a role in his previous conviction.

“The defendant doesn’t want to touch a drop of it again.”

Mr Brown added that his client had already served the equivalent of a four-and-a-half month jail sentence while being held on remand.

“The tough life in a custodial environment has been a jarring experience for him,” his lawyer revealed.

Recorder Christian Jowett jailed Jones for eight months but suspended the sentence for 18 months.

The defendant will have to complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and was made the subject of a 120-day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement.

He will have to pay £322.82 compensation, £120 costs and a surcharge.