A care home in south Wales gave its residents an activity with a twist - with a cocktail day.

The event was held at HC-One Wales’ Quarry Hall Care Home in St Mellons, Cardiff, where participants got to taste a variety of flavours and even try their hand at mixology.

Victoria Meakin, group development chef at HC-One, graced the residential, nursing and dementia care home on May 14 to spearhead the 'Cocktail Day' event.

Her goal was not only to enthral the residents with different flavours but also to involve them in the process.

Kicking off the event, Ms Meakin let the 10 attending residents, four colleagues and some relatives know what the day had in store.

This included dressing up, tasting unique cocktails, and even crafting and naming their own concoctions.

All participants were then provided with two rum-based cocktails and one vodka cocktail to whet their palates.

The spectacle of residents reacting to new flavours motivated some of them to request more after the initial tasting.

The real exciting phase came next, as each resident was given the opportunity to create their cocktail and christen it.

Ms Meakin provided a trolley filled with glasses, straws, drink decorations, a variety of spirits and mixers, and fresh fruit.

The call to creativity was met with a resounding response.

After cocktail making, all were treated to a sumptuous buffet.

Ron Hussin, a resident at Quarry Hall, said: "The kitchen has done us proud with the buffet!"

As the day progressed, others also expressed their joy.

Another resident, Sarah Hickman, aged 104, remarked: "I need to come to these things more often, I have had a lovely time!"

Resident Alexis Lamplough also shared her light-hearted thoughts saying: "We need more vodka in the cocktails!"

Carla Arcanjo, home manager at Quarry Hall, said: "The feedback from the residents about the cocktail day has been utterly amazing!

"Everyone enjoyed themselves and experimenting with the different flavours."

Ms Meakin added: "A fabulous time was had by all!

"The residents had lots of fun with the cocktails."

This eccentric activity is part of Quarry Hall’s extensive activities and wellbeing plan, with the team eager to host similar events soon.