Care workers across Wales are championing a public campaign for the establishment of a national care service.

The call, put forward by union UNISON, which represents thousands of care workers, was made on May 21 at an event in Llandudno.

There, the union sought to garner support from the Wales TUC during their annual conference.

The Llandudno event was held in the wake of a meeting at UNISON's Cardiff office.

The meeting featured social care workers relaying their experiences to advisers from the Low Pay Commission.

The purpose was to gather evidence for a report on the future of the national minimum wage.

Rhondda-based care worker, Nicola Irwin, who spoke at the Wales TUC event, said: "Care workers will be telling their stories in Llandudno to encourage everyone to back our campaign for a national care service.

"Care staff love helping people, but the wages are scandalously low.

"A national care service for Wales would pay its staff decent rates, attract more recruits and provide great quality care to anyone needing support across Wales."

UNISON Cymru/Wales regional secretary, Jess Turner, said: "The care sector is in crisis and everyone, whether it's those needing care, their families or the workforce themselves, are being failed.

"The need to maximise profits means corners are being cut and wages squeezed, trapping the mainly female workforce in poverty and dooming the sector to an endless workforce crisis.

"This is putting immense pressure on an already overstretched health service."

The campaign continues to push for improvements in care worker wages and enhanced support for the critical work they deliver.