Thousands of older people in Wales could be lifted out of poverty by claiming the right benefits.

Charity Age Cymru states that benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit can have a significant impact on reducing poverty in the elderly.

It's urging older people and their carers to check what benefits and entitlements they may claim, as millions go unclaimed in Wales each year.

Last year, Age Cymru helped to claim more than £250,000 in Attendance Allowance and £150,000 in Pension Credit.

Adding other entitlements, it enabled nearly £800,000 to be claimed, averaging £6,378 per claimant.

The charity's 2024 survey found 48 per cent of respondents claimed the cost-of-living crisis affected their access to social activities.

Age Cymru’s information and advice manager, Nel Price, said: "It’s deeply frustrating that so many older people in Wales are struggling to pay their bills and are forced to cut back on their social activities when so much money is left unclaimed each year".

She added that one of the largest unclaimed supports is Attendance Allowance and highlighted it can be claimed by people aged 66 or over who may require additional assistance for independent living at home.