A DRINK-DRIVER continued to pull off as a police officer leant into his car to try and stop him getting away.

Daniel Wheaton, 33, had been spotted speeding at 70mph in a 50mph zone on the M4 in Newport between Junction 24 and Junction 25.

The defendant was driving an Audi A1 when he was stopped on the city’s Caerleon Road after he had exited the motorway.

Bethan Evans, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “An officer approached his vehicle and smelt what he believed to be alcohol on the defendant’s breath.

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“His eyes were glazed and the officer asked him if he had been drinking to which he replied, ‘Not much at all.’

“The officer then began to explain to the defendant why he had stopped him.

“As he was doing so, the defendant was slowly putting the key back into the ignition in an attempt drive away.

“The officer instructed the defendant to stop, but the defendant continued and started to drive off.

“The officer tried to open the door of the vehicle but it was locked.

“He leant inside to try and take hold of the handbrake but was unable to do so as it was too far away and the officer, as the vehicle was moving, effectively moved away from the vehicle in order to remain safe.

“The officer then lost sight of the defendant’s vehicle.”

The police drove to Wheaton’s home address in the Phillipstown area of Caerphilly.

They found him nearby still in his car and saw by this time that the offside rear tyre was completely missing and he was driving on the alloy.

The officers signalled for the defendant to stop and used the blue lights of the police car.

Wheaton reversed into a parked Peugeot 308 during a further bid to escape but was arrested.

Wheaton, of, Derlwyn Street, Phillipstown pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and drink-driving with 61 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

The offence took place during the early hours of the morning at around 4.30am on Sunday, April 14.

He has one previous conviction from 2015 for drink-driving and driving without care and attention.

Ross McQuillan-Johnson representing Wheaton said his client was a food production factory worker who had been in employment since leaving school.

The court heard that the defendant was “a very well-liked individual” with character references that included one from his MP.

Recorder David Warner told Wheaton: “It is nothing short of miraculous that you didn't cause harm to individuals whether police officers or others involved in or around this incident.”

The defendant was jailed for 12 months, suspended for two years.

He must carry out 80 hours of unpaid work, complete a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement and was made the subject of a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement.

Wheaton was banned from driving for three years, fined £550, and ordered to pay a £187 surcharge and £150 costs.