A Welsh tourism organisation is aiming to show that Wales is a dog friendly destination - by targeting dogs themselves.

Visit Wales has launched a pioneering marketing campaign to entice dogs and their owners from all over the UK to consider Wales as a prominent destination for dog-friendly holidays.

This approach by the tourism body sees a TV advert targeting dogs with vivid imagery and sounds that appeal directly to our four-legged friends.

It features enhanced yellow and blue colours - hues that dogs can see - alongside familiar sounds such as panting, whistling, barking and the sound of jingling keys.

The dog's perspective is taken into account, with holiday visuals created from a dog’s point of view, thanks to the use of a dedicated doggy-cam.

Multiple dog-friendly attractions, including hundreds of accommodation options, pubs, and more than 20,000 miles of walking trails along the Welsh coastline and countryside make Wales an appealing place to visit for solo travellers, friends, families and couples, who have a furry member in their family.

Jenna Kiddie, head of canine behaviour of the UK largest dog welfare charity, Dogs Trust, lauded the initiative and highlighted the benefits of dog-friendly holidays in Wales.

She said: "So many of us now share our lives with a dog and it’s great to get out with them and explore all that Wales has to offer.

"From the mountains and forests, to exploring dog-friendly beaches, visiting picturesque towns, and enjoying meals in a traditional Welsh pub, there are a wealth of places for people to responsibly enjoy in Wales with their dogs by their sides."

However, she also urged visitors to remember their responsibility to the environment and local wildlife.

Ms Kiddie added: "When visiting rural areas, owners should keep their dogs under control and ensure they do not worry other animals or stray from the path, as well as dispose of their dog's waste appropriately."

With recent studies indicating that more than a third of UK households own at least one dog, and that many can't imagine holidaying without them, dog-friendly tourism is on the rise.

Last year, there was a 36 per cent rise in dog-friendly bookings across the UK.

As an element of the campaign, Visit Wales held a casting call for dog owners nationwide.

They were asked to submit pictures of their pets for a chance to be featured in the ad campaign.

The call was met with almost 4,000 entries and six winners.

Property manager at Sealands Cottages, a dog-friendly accommodation provider in South Wales, Hanna Tudor, expressed her support for the campaign by Visit Wales.

She said: "A large proportion of the people who book our cottages also bring their dogs with them on holiday, so this is a massive market for us.

"We take great pride in the fact that we are dog-friendly and offer the little things that make all the difference when holidaying with your dog."

For further information on dog-friendly holidays in Wales, visit the Visit Wales website.