A Welsh man is supporting a bowel cancer roadshow in Newport in June.

Ross Williams, a 68-year old from Brecon who was diagnosed with Stage 2 bowel cancer in 2021, is joining forces with Bowel Cancer UK to raise awareness about the disease and its symptoms, through their Newport roadshow.

Mr Williams' diagnosis came despite having no symptoms of the disease.

He received a routine bowel screening test in July 2021, and recalled: "Following the results of my screening test I was given a colonoscopy.

"After it was over, I was told to wait in another room and at this time I suspected that I was going to be given bad news.

"The doctor came in and told me he had found a tumour in my colon."

The alarming news disrupted plans he and his wife had for retirement travels.

The cancer diagnosis was confirmed to likely be at Stage 2 after a consultation.

He said: "My wife was with me during this meeting and we both felt so much better as it meant the cancer had been caught early, and that with treatment the prognosis was very good for the future."

Mr Williams had successful treatment at the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, to remove the tumour.

Additional treatment was unnecessary due to the early detection of cancer.

He praised the bowel cancer screening programme for the early detection.

"Had it not been for the bowel cancer screening programme, I would’ve been unaware of the tumour, and it could’ve developed into a more severe state with less favourable outcomes," he said.

"I was very lucky the cancer was diagnosed at an early stage and I’m so grateful for the care and treatment from the medical profession."

Bowel Cancer UK's Newport roadshow is set to take place over three days from June 4 to 6.

A key feature of the roadshow is the giant inflatable bowel demonstration, a vivid representation of various bowel cancer stages.

The charity hopes this interactive approach will help educate about the disease, the significance of early screening, and good bowel health.

The roadshow also offers people the opportunity to discuss any concerns about the disease with the dedicated team of Bowel Cancer UK.

Catherine Winsor, director of services and support at Bowel Cancer UK, said: "We’re so grateful to Ross for sharing his story to help raise awareness of just how important early diagnosis of bowel cancer is.

"Through our Newport roadshow we hope to talk to lots of people about the disease, the importance of knowing its symptoms, taking part in screening, and why you should contact your GP as soon as you spot any signs.

"We’re here to welcome everyone to a tour of the giant inflatable bowel, answer any questions you have about your bowel health, and signpost you for further support."

To take part in the roadshow, visit the roadshow between 10am and 4pm on June 4 at Friars Walk Shopping Centre, June 5 at Asda Superstore Pillgwenlly, and June 6 at Newport Retail Park.

Further information about the roadshow can be found on the Bowel Cancer UK website

The BowelBabe Fund has sponsored the Bowel Cancer UK roadshow.