A MAN threatened his wife with a meat cleaver after she had an affair with his brother.

Steven Fitzgerald, 68, from Newport then punched the woman between her legs before he later pushed her down the stairs at the matrimonial home.

Emily Jermin, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The victim and the defendant in this case have been married for 47 years.

“She stated to him that she had a one-off affair with his brother.”

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She said Fitzgerald had tried to take an overdose at around 1am on Monday, October 30 last year.

When the victim attempted to stop him, he attacked her.

“The defendant picked up a meat cleaver and held it to her neck,” Miss Jermyn revealed.

“When she moved away to get away from the blade, he punched her in the genital area.

“He told her, ‘This is what you deserve.’”

The violence didn’t stop there.

A week later on Monday, November 6, 2023, he assaulted her again.

Miss Jermin said: “The defendant had been drinking and he was being abusive to his wife, calling her a whore and a sl*t.

“When she was in the kitchen he pushed her into a corner worktop.

“The victim was so fearful she urinated herself.

“The defendant went upstairs and caused damage to the property, ripping off blinds, curtains and a curtain pole.

“He threw her mobile phone out of the window and threatened to lock her out if she went outside to retrieve it.”

Miss Jermin added: “He then pushed her into a mirror and then pushed her down the stairs.

“She describes herself as falling headfirst.”

The woman was taken to hospital after suffering multiple injuries which included damage to her eye socket, spine, neck and pelvis.

The defendant was arrested and gave a no comment interview to the police.

Fitzgerald, formerly of Rogerstone, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm, threatening a person with a bladed article in a private place and assault by beating.

Matthew Comer representing him said his client, a retired Lloyds TSB bank employee, was a man of previous good character with no convictions recorded against him.

“He doesn’t know if the marriage is over,” his barrister told the court.

Mr Comer added that Fitzgerald has health problems which include a fractured vertebrae and he has had a hip replacement.

The defendant became very upset and wept as his lawyer went through his mitigation.

Judge Vanessa Francis gave Fitzgerald a five-minute break before she sentenced him so that he could compose himself.

She then told him: “It became apparent that there had been a period of unfaithfulness many years previously which led to extreme difficulty between you and your wife.

“Whatever the background and circumstances as to why you were so upset, what you did to her cannot be excused in any way.

“You were violent and aggressive to her in quite extreme circumstances over two occasions and I hope as a result of your guilty pleas you have come to the realisation that this is something that you should be wholly ashamed of.

“These must have been utterly terrifying and humiliating circumstances that you subjected her to.”

She jailed Fitzgerald for 12 months but he will be released from prison immediately because he has already served the equivalent sentence after being remanded in custody since his arrest last November.

The defendant has to pay the victim £1,000 compensation.