A THUG split a nurse’s head wide open with a single punch during a “cowardly and unprovoked” assault on a busy city street.

Wesley Davies from Newport attacked Kevin Randall after the victim had been out with family and friends watching the British and Irish Lions play South Africa.

The 33-year-old defendant punched the consultant emergency nurse outside the Esso petrol station on Cardiff’s Newport Road at around 9pm on Saturday, July 31, 2021.

An argument had broken out between the strangers after the groups Mr Randall and Davies were with had rowed over a taxi.

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Matthew Comer, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The victim’s head hit the floor and he was knocked unconscious.”

CCTV footage capturing the assault was played to the judge, Recorder David Warner.

South Wales Argus: Wesley DaviesWesley Davies

He said to Davies: “You joined in and took up a provocative position before I accept returning to the taxi.

“There's then a further exchange of words, we can see that between the female members of your group, and then you got back out of the taxi, went straight up to Mr Randall and punched him.

“You punched him so hard that he fell unconscious on the floor with the back of his head split wide open.

“The offence to which you have pleaded guilty is a cowardly and unpleasant one with significant consequences for your victim.”

Mr Randall was taken to the University of Wales Hospital, Cardiff in an ambulance and 21 surgical staples were needed to close the deep wound.

In a victim personal statement he revealed how he suffers from ongoing “memory loss and psychological harm”.

He was off work for four weeks as a result of his injury and had to miss a family holiday.

“I'm aware that the attack that night could easily have killed me,” Mr Randall said.

Davies, of Tetbury Close, Shaftsbury pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm.

He has 82 previous convictions for 163 offences and was jailed for 28 weeks in 2016 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and 12 months in 2022 for possession of a machete in public.

Joshua Scouller said in mitigation: “He regrets enormously the injury that he caused.

“The defendant is a man who has had problems with alcohol and has sought to become sober.”

His barrister added that the lengthy delay in the case coming to court was not the fault of his client and the prosecution could offer no explanation for the slow progress.

Davies was jailed for 13 months and two weeks and ordered to pay Mr Randall £250 compensation.

He must also pay a £156 surcharge.