A BUILDING charity unveils a completed bedroom project, taking a Newport man who suffered a stroke on a tour of the renovation.

Keith Parry from Gaer was taken around the new bedroom and bathroom that were purpose-built for him by national building charity, Band of Builders. The works were completed on Sunday, May 26, and a team of volunteers helped to build a ground-floor extension so Mr Parry can sleep in his own bedroom for the first time in more than two years.

Linda Parry, Keith's wife, said what the Band of Builders has done "will change our lives forever".

South Wales Argus: Linda and Keith Parry with volunteers who worked on the project.Linda and Keith Parry with volunteers who worked on the project. (Image: Band of Builders)

Mrs Parry said: "Our gratitude will never be enough - and from the bottom of our hearts we thank all the volunteers who travelled from far and wide to build the extension with a bedroom and bathroom to give Keith his dignity back."

Mr Parry, 70, has only left his house three times after leaving hospital seven months after suffering a severe stroke in late 2021. The joiner was only able to return home after his wife had a specialist bed and lifting equipment installed in the lounge of their home.

But he was left without any privacy or facilities and effectively lived under the stairs in his lounge, prompting the comparison by local healthcare professionals to fantasy character Harry Potter, who had to live in a cupboard under the stairs in the world-famous books.

South Wales Argus: Cheers from the team after completing the project for Keith Parry.Cheers from the team after completing the project for Keith Parry. (Image: Band of Builders)

In a heart-warming handover, Keith’s wife Linda thanked the volunteers who built the extension – which includes a bedroom and wet room – as well as all the national and local companies that rallied around by donating everything from materials for the project to food and drinks for the volunteers.

Linda Parry added: “The work has been of the highest standards and long may Band of Builders continue helping people like us.” 

Watch the heart-warming video of Keith Parry going through the ground-floor extension.