A town in Gwent has been named as one in 100 that will get funding in a long-term regeneration programme if the Conservative Party win next month's general election.

Abertillery has been chosen to benefit from £20m in funding among 100 towns selected in the programme, with the Conservative Party aiming to address "a shortage in opportunity".

According to the party, local people in each town will decide how the money will be used for long-term regeneration of their area. 

South Wales Argus: The Conservative Party announced that Abertillery (High Street pictured) will be one of 100 towns across the UK to benefit from the funding as part of a long-term regeneration programme.The Conservative Party announced that Abertillery (High Street pictured) will be one of 100 towns across the UK to benefit from the funding as part of a long-term regeneration programme. (Image: Google Maps)

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, said: “We the Conservatives have a plan for towns because we know they are the beating heart of our country. This bold action will transform 30 more towns – reviving their high streets, growing their local economies and making people feel proud of the place they call home. 

Welsh Conservative candidate for Blaenau Gwent, Hannah Jarvis, said: “This is fantastic news for Abertillery.

"What is even better is that local people will get a say in how it is spent. The money will provide a much-needed boost to local business and investment and will make Abertillery an even better place to live and work.”

Michael Gove, Levelling Up Secretary, said: “This bold action will be transformational for towns around the country. It will allow local people to take back control - creating better jobs, improving transport and generating more investment.

“The Conservatives have a clear plan to spread opportunity so that talent and hard work, not geography, determine people’s life chances."

Abertillery was the only town in Gwent to be selected, as a "town in highest need of levelling up, who have not already benefitted from the programme", a Conservative Party spokesperson said.