A SCHOOL in Newport is making plans to celebrate its 120th year anniversary, and asking former pupils and families to join them in the celebrations.

St Woolos Primary School, located on Stow Hill in Newport, is holding a series of events to celebrate it's 120th year anniversary on Wednesday, June 5.

Headteacher at the school, Heather Vaughan, said they are "such a lucky school to have such tremendous support and help from our families and the local community, and everyone is committed to the same thing - achieving the very best for all of the children."

South Wales Argus: St Woolos Primary School on Stow Hill will be celebrating its 120th year anniversary this weekSt Woolos Primary School on Stow Hill will be celebrating its 120th year anniversary this week (Image: File)

St Woolos Primary School has arranged several events which are set to take place this week, with Ms Vaughan adding that the school's history is "varied and proud".

The headteacher added that they expect the celebrations to be attended by "a number of community members and representatives, previous staff and Governors. It will be a really powerful way to share and celebrate the school’s amazing history with the whole of the #StWoolosFamily."

The 120th Anniversary commemoration has formed part of the school's curriculum and has complemented a whole school project called ‘Cynefin’ (sense of belonging).

Ms Vaughan has said: "Children have really enjoyed learning not only about the key events during the last 120 years, and our Y5/6 pupils have been creating a small book called ‘Newport- A March Through Time’ which looks at the hundred or so years in Newport’s history, X before the school was built, and which has enabled them to use their artistic and digital skills.

"This booklet will be published and launched in a few weeks’ time and children have also written to local businesses for sponsorship. Those contributing will be included in the booklet. Any funds raised from sales will go towards our Anniversary appeal for new staging for our hall."


During the week the school will remember its role in accommodating nursing staff from St Woolos Hospital during the 1914-1918 First World War, so that they could be near the troops that they were helping.

It will also remember the American troops led by US Army Major Greenhut, who were billeted on the top floor during the Second World War, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day which takes place on Saturday, June 6.

South Wales Argus: St Woolos Primary School soon after it was first built in 1904. Ms Vaughan said: The monumental masons later moved out and the side school yard was laid on its site.St Woolos Primary School soon after it was first built in 1904. Ms Vaughan said: The monumental masons later moved out and the side school yard was laid on its site. (Image: Heather Vaughan)

The school celebrated its centenary year in 2004, and is known as 'a haven of history'.

In 2004, the school held a service at Newport Cathedral and a centenary plaque was also unveiled on the school yard by the then Education Minister for Wales, Jane Davidson. Both of these events were attended by past pupils both from the local area and a number of parts of the UK.

Many of these past pupils also attended the Open Evenings that were held, which saw them share memories and feelings of warmth for the school and the opportunities it afforded them many years ago.

Programme for this week's events

Tuesday 4th

  • ‘A 1904 School Day’ with pupils and staff dressing up in period clothes and having an Edwardian style school day.

  • An Open Evening from 6.00-7.30pm for past pupils (Those leaving before 2000 might like to come on that evening but it would be fine to come on Thursday 6th instead.

Wednesday 5th

  • An Anniversary Concert in the morning

  • An Afternoon Tea

Thursday 6th

  • An Afternoon Tea with a nod to 1944 and D Day

  • An Open Evening from 6.00-7.30pm for past pupils. (Those leaving after 2000 might like to come on this date, but either evening would be fine)

Friday 7th

  • School Anniversary Party Day

Saturday 8th June

  • Open Morning for Past Pupils from 10.00-12.00pm


The schools hopes to have as many past pupils, families and staff at the site to visit them during the week and share their memories of their time at St Woolos Primary School.

Those who would like more details can send an email to: stwoolos.primary@newportschools.wales.