A DRINK and drug driver crashed his car into a wall during a police chase leaving his passenger hanging out of the window.

Justin Edwards had been trying to escape the law when he came to an abrupt halt on Gainsborough Road in the Cefn Golau area of Tredegar.

An air ambulance was scrambled to the scene to treat his passenger Peter Fleet who suffered two small bleeds on the brain.

As well as crashing into the wall, Edwards’ Citroen C2 hit the owners' Volkswagen Tiguan SUV, prosecutor James Evans told Cardiff Crown Court.

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The 33-year-old defendant, of Steelworks Road, Tyllwyn, Ebbw Vale pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.

The offence occurred on June 17, 2022.

Edwards was sentenced to a community order last year for offences committed during the same incident.

He admitted drink driving, drug driving with a cocaine derivative in his blood, failing to stop, driving with no insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

Mr Evans said the defendant has previous convictions for motoring offences.

Harriet Ealdon representing the expectant father said: “He shows a lot of remorse for his actions and he's very sorry for what happened.

“The defendant tells me that he is now entirely abstinent from drugs and while he is not completely abstinent from drinking, his drinking is managed and he’s in a far, far better position than he was two years ago.

“His partner sits in court today supporting him and he tells me that she has had a very positive influence on him.”

His barrister added: “He has no intention of ever driving again – he was very frightened by what happened back in 2022.

“The defendant never wishes to get behind the wheel again.

“He is currently on ESA benefits but he's hoping once his alcoholism is managed to seek work in bricklaying.

“Since his pre-sentence report interview, he's found out that he's going to become a father for the first time.

“He wants as a result of this to become a productive member of society and in time to become a positive role model for his son or daughter.”

Recorder Greg Bull KC told Edwards: “You were drunk and under the influence of cocaine.

“The police suspected that you were a drunken driver.

“You made off avoiding the police car and as a result drove at speed and crashed into a residential home’s wall, damaging their family car and damaging not only your car but also your passenger.

“He was found to be hanging out of the window when the police attended.

“An air ambulance was required to consider his health.”

The defendant was jailed for 12 months, suspended for 18 months.

He was made the subject of a six-month alcohol treatment requirement and banned from driving for three years.

Edwards will have to pay £454 in costs and a surcharge.