Monmouthshire County Council has confirmed the return of Nature Isn’t Neat for 2024.

The green initiative, which encourages a less manicured approach in green spaces across the area, is aimed at boosting the region's biodiversity and enhancing residents' interaction with nature.

By reducing lawn mowing activities and fostering wildflower growth, the project creates what are fondly known as mini-meadows, helping to counter the significant decline of plants and pollinators.

The Nature Isn't Neat initiative's benefits extend beyond ecological progression, with mounting evidence suggesting the impact these areas have on carbon storage, drought and flood resistance.

Exposure to the project's flourishing green spaces also bolsters residents' mental and physical health, promoting a close-knit relationship with nature.

Local residents, along with community groups and business entities, play a significant role in this conservation drive.

To heighten the project's impact, Nature Isn’t Neat is helping individuals to create their own mini-meadows, unveiling a resource pack piled up with tips and guidance.

Areas will flourish throughout the summer, with some still providing locations for recreational and sporting activities.

All the growth will be carefully managed for road and pedestrian safety, and ending the year with a tidy annual cut.

Monmouthshire residents are encouraged to contribute to the scheme by sharing wildlife encounters and introducing their own green spaces to meadow management practices.