A BURGLAR smashed his way into a grandmother’s home through a patio door while she was asleep.

Ryan Meek stole £500 worth of cash, laptops, an Amazon parcel and a grandchild’s clothes during the break-in at Alexandra Road in Abertillery.

A bank card was also taken which was used shortly after to buy goods at Greggs, Tesco and a newsagent’s shop in the town

Emily Jermin, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The victim was present when the burglary took place.

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“She says she finds it difficult to sleep as a result. She feels disgusted.

“The offence is aggravated by the defendant’s previous relevant previous convictions and the fact it was committed when it was dark.”

Meek, 41, of Commercial Street Arcade, Abertillery pleaded guilty to burglary and three counts of fraud.

The offence was committed on January 6, 2023.

Gwent Police were criticised for the way they handled the investigation and the subsequent long delay in the case coming to court.

Meek committed another burglary in Abertillery on April 7 last year after he was released under investigation despite being arrested on January 11.

He was jailed for two years and four months in January 2024 for the later offence as a third-strike burglar after pleading guilty.

The police were asked to tell the court why it was that Meek wasn’t charged with the January 2023 burglary until this April.

The force cited the need for forensic evidence despite the glaring fact that there was no forensic evidence presented in the case.

Apart from burglary the defendant also has previous convictions for wounding, affray and robbery.

He has 30 previous convictions for 61 offences.

Julia Cox representing Meek said: “There was an abject failure on behalf of the Crown and the police to further this matter.”

His barrister added her client’s father had recently died and he was unable to attend his funeral because he was a prisoner serving his current sentence.

The defendant has suffered “significant mental health difficulties and drug misuse” in his life.

Judge Paul Hobson told Meek had he been sentenced for the January 2023 burglary the same time as the April 2023 burglary he would have given him a longer sentence.

The defendant will have to serve an additional five months behind bars consecutively to the two years and four months he was handed earlier this year.