A carers information event will be held in Newport in June.

Newport City Council will host a carers information and wellbeing event at The Riverfront on June 13, from 10am to 2pm.

Groups like Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, the council's community connectors, and the Citizens Advice Bureau will attend.

Their goal is to provide unpaid carers with useful information and support, aiding both their caring roles and their personal wellbeing.

The event will offer free arts and crafts activities, and complimentary refreshments.

More details about the organisations participating can be found on the council's website.

The council acknowledges caring presents significant challenges and stresses the importance of supporting unpaid carers in maintaining their own wellbeing, ensuring they can continue providing care.

More about the available support can be found by emailing community.connectors@newport.gov.uk, calling 01633 235650 or visiting the council's website.

Celebrating unpaid carers, this year's Carers Week, running from June 10 to 16 focuses on ensuring carers are recognised in society, have the respect they deserve and can access valuable support services.

An estimated 6.5 million individuals in the UK are unpaid carers, with statistics indicating that three in five of us are likely to have this role at some point.

Caring duties can range from helping a loved one with tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping or looking after siblings to providing support to someone struggling with illness, disability, mental health issues, substance misuse or frailty.

Despite the challenges, many carers see their role as a mum, dad, daughter, son, friend or good neighbour rather than an added responsibility.