A DRUG dealer who ran a cocaine delivery service has been jailed.

Jordan van Vliet, 23, would drop off class A drugs at addresses around Newport, the city’s crown court was told.

The defendant was caught after police seized a mobile phone he used following a raid at his home in January 2023.

Clare Wilks, prosecuting, said: “There were text bombs advertising the sale of cocaine and offering delivery.

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“There were voice notes retrieved from the phone that included references to 'rocks and dust'.

“And there was post codes on the phone for drops in Newport and messages requesting bags of coke.”

Van Vliet, of The Circle, Cwmbran admitted being concerned in the supply of a class A drug between September 2022 and January last year.

The defendant has 12 previous convictions for 21 offences including a custodial term for violent disorder four years ago.

Richard Ace representing him said: “It is difficult to fathom why he was charged so late because the drug expert’s report was written in May last year.

“For some reason there was another year where he was left waiting.

“This has been hanging over his head for some time.”

His barrister added: “His behaviour was selfish.

“The huge proportion of this drug dealing was to fund his own habit.”

The court was told that van Vliet was a family man with a young daughter whose remorse for his offending was “genuine”.

The judge, Recorder Robin Rouch, told the defendant: “You were effectively using that phone as a drugs line.

“There were messages arranging the supply of drugs to others.

“You were also sourcing drugs yourself in some of the messages, no doubt to supply onwards.

“For example, in October 2022 you were trying to source 126 grammes of cocaine and the messages spanned the period of about four months or so.”

He was imprisoned for 26 months.