A SCOOTER rider died of "multiple traumas to the head" an inquest into his death has concluded.

Alan Galudzinski, a 26-year-old originally from Poland living in Newport at the time of his death, died in October 2023 following a crash. 

Senior coroner for Gwent, Caroline Saunders, was presiding, and had adjourned it from October 2023 to June this year citing a need for further information. 

The inquest heard from four witness statements, namely those of police constable Gareth McSherry of Gwent Police, doctor Ian Thompson, a toxicologist and crash investigator PC Gerwyn Harris. 

The inquest heard how Mr Galudzinski had been travelling along the A4042 northbound carriageway heading towards Cwmbran on an electric scooter in the early hours of September 30, and was struck from behind by a car. 

Paramedics from the Welsh Ambulance Service attended, but Mr Galudzinski was declared dead at the scene at 02.08am on October 1. 

A post mortem on October 6 reported that the primary cause of death was "multiple traumas in keeping with injuries sustained at this type of incident", with Dr Ian Thompson highlighting the specific "trauma to the head", which included skull fractures and bleeding.

Secondary causes included alcohol consumption. 

A toxicology report confirmed that while no drugs were found in his system, he had alcohol levels two and a half times the legal driving limit in his blood. 

Ms Saunders said this could be linked with "loss of critical judgement, memory and understanding" and poor "co-ordination and awareness". 

Crash investigator PC Gerwyn Harris explained the road was a dimly lit dual carriageway with a 70mph limit. 

The inquest heard how Mr Galudzinski had been wearing black clothing and only had one front light and one red back light on the scooter. 

The vehicle involved in the crash, a blue Vauxhall Corsa, had joined the A4042 heading towards Cwmbran at 0.15am on October 1, with Mr Galudzinski in front. 

According to statements, a second vehicle had swerved to avoid Mr Galudzinski before the incident, and had been driving directly in front of the Corsa. 

The inquest heard that despite 999 being called, emergency services confirmed Mr Galudzinski's death upon arrival. 

Mr Galudzinski's landlady had been interviewed by police, who were told he did not have any "notable mental illnesses" but had noticeably "begun to drink more which affected his mood". 

It was also confirmed that no one involved had been using their phones and there was no mechanical fault with the car. 

During a reconstruction, it was established that even with "optimum conditions" for the time, it would have been "particularly difficult" for the driver to see Mr Galudzinski and his scooter "in the position and manner it was at the time of impact". 

It was noted that the "interference of headlights" would have also impaired the driver's ability to see the scooter and thus any ability to react to the hazard. 

Through the evidence provided, Ms Saunders was able to come to a final conclusion about the death of Mr Galudzinski.

She concluded that it would have been "almost impossible" for the driver to see Mr Galudzinski prior to the crash and that the level of alcohol consumption may have impaired his ability to be aware of any hazards. 

She added that he had died from "multiple traumas" and "alcohol in the blood".

Upon concluding the case, Ms Sanders offered her condolences to the family, who were not present.