AN assessment setting out risks facing a council over the next three years has been accepted by its ruling cabinet. 

The strategic risk management policy is intended to identify and monitor issues that could prevent Monmouthshire County Council from delivering services and achieving its objectives and plans. 

Its strategic risk register is described as a ‘live document’ that is continually updated and the most recent include the ongoing impact of the rising cost-of-living on incomes causing financial hardship for residents and any potential reduction in public bus services. 

The threat posed from the council failing to put in place a local development plan – setting out where new housing and employment sites should be located – has been downgraded as the authority is expected to publish its replacement plan in the next financial year. 

A council scrutiny committee has identified its concerns over instability in the social care market to provide for children in care and delays in care for older people as concerns, which are recognised on the register. 

The committee also said the potential of some services “becoming financially unsustainable” is a key area for concern. 

Others the committee highlighted include action to reduce high school absence rates of vulnerable children and the monitoring of progress of the decarbonisation plan as well as the impact of climate change on council services and assets. 

The Labour-led cabinet accepted the risk strategy at its June 5 meeting.