The Family Volunteering Club is looking for people to help out at Abergavenny events.

The club, which encourages children aged 0-9 and their guardians to participate in a range of initiatives, is calling on families to lend a hand at the Big Backstage Sort Out at Melville Centre for the Arts.

They promise a fun morning as volunteers aid the centre with organising its backstage costume room.

This provides a unique opportunity for youngsters to not only learn about theatre operations by seeing the behind the scenes action but also contribute by assisting in organising the outfits.

The Melville Centre, a fringe studio venue and arts hub, welcomes all, including little ones in buggies or slings, however, the session is most suitable for those aged two and above.

Spaces for the sort out are free, but due to restricted numbers, prior booking is needed.

For further details or to secure a spot, navigate to the Family Volunteering Club's website.

The Family Volunteering Club aims to ensure every child grows up feeling connected to their community and understands the positive role they can play.