A COUPLE from Cardiff have become jackpot prize lottery winners, leaving them shocked at how much they won.

Mechanic Dave Williams and his wife Sarah, are celebrating becoming lottery millionaires, even though wife, Sarah Williams, refused to believe her husband at first.

Dave, 58, was shot down when he phoned his wife Sarah, 55, after scooping a £1million EuroMillions lottery win, when she told him: "Stop talking rubbish".

Dave and Sarah Williams from Cardiff were in shock when they found out how much they had won.Dave and Sarah Williams from Cardiff were in shock when they found out how much they had won. (Image: Wales News Service)

Disbelieving wife Sarah thought Dave was joking, and refused to believe it until he showed her some proof. She said: "I honestly thought Dave was winding me up."

Later, Dave showed her the ticket which led to Sarah changing her tune.

"When he showed me the ticket, and now when I see all those noughts in the bank account, I know it’s for real," said Sarah.

When he showed me the ticket, and now when I see all those noughts in the bank account, I know it’s for real, said Sarah.When he showed me the ticket, and now when I see all those noughts in the bank account, I know it’s for real, said Sarah. (Image: Wales News Service)

She added: "I didn’t think anything could be more exciting than my son and his girlfriend giving us our first grandchild last year, but I think this is coming in a close second!"

Dave has battled throat cancer and Sarah suffers from health problems including spondylitis, and the pair say the win will now help them enjoy their life a bit more.

Dave said: “We’ve both had it tough in recent years so we’re not wasting any time, we know that every minute is a gift.

The pair say the win will now help them enjoy their life a bit more.The pair say the win will now help them enjoy their life a bit more. (Image: Wales News Service)
"While it’s been really tough, we’re still here; this win feels like the light at the end of a very long tunnel and for once, it’s not the train coming towards us!"

Dave was sat in his office in Cardiff scrolling through his National Lottery app when he discovered what he thought was a £100,000 win on EuroMillions.

He instantly called The National Lottery saying ‘I think I’ve won £100,000’ but was disappointed when the call handler briefly put him on hold.

When Dave rang The National Lottery saying ‘I think I’ve won £100,000’ but was disappointed when the call handler briefly put him on hold. Little did he know that he had the winning figure all wrong.When Dave rang The National Lottery saying ‘I think I’ve won £100,000’ but was disappointed when the call handler briefly put him on hold. Little did he know that he had the winning figure all wrong. (Image: Wales News Service)

He said: "I thought I must have made a mistake and it was actually a tenner, so when the gentleman came back on the line to say ‘Mr Williams, you said you’ve won £100,000’ and paused.

"My heart really sank, only to leap once more when he continued: ‘I’m pleased to tell you, you’ve actually won £1million’."